Basics: Stephanie Zhu. February 13, 1994; 18 yrs old. Studies biochemisty/molecular biology at UC Davis. San Francisco, California. Taken by Steven Huang since January 27, 2008. Happy-go-lucky kind of girl. Positive, confident, and unbelievably happy. Blessed with life. Love for all things beauty. I hope to inspire you in one way or another. Get to know me, I'm friendly! Xoxo

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I can’t always be the greatest girlfriend, I know. I can yell, I get mad at you for no reason at all, I can bombard you with pointless questions and demanding answers, I hover over you when I shouldn’t, I can complain and be brat and can be stubborn like no other. Sometimes I forget to call you back, sometimes I call too much. I know, I know- even sometimes I don’t treat you the way you deserve. But despite the days where I’m not a good girlfriend I hope you never forgotten how much I love you.

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