Wednesday, November 10, 2010-
Quick run through cause i really gotta do my homework. Umm.. afterschool, babe & i stopped by KFC cause Frank had an interview. LOL He ended up doing really well & they loved his personality/ attitude. The lady said she'll call back if they have enough room, i sure hope he gets the job :/ Um.. afterwards, i fixed up at home & went to stones. I ate at the food court w/ babe until Erica & Lance arrived. We went around getting job applications & stuff, it was pretty fun. Saw waaaaaay too many school people. I don't really like running into people from school when we're outside of school. LOL Idk why, i just don't. Anywhosssssss, we ended up going to Macys & getting free samples of Lancome foundation. I think i'm going to return my Mac one :/ It breaks me out & is WAY too thick. The lady was like " Yeahh, that foundation clogs pores. " Waaaaaah ): Anywhos, hopefully i find a new foundation soon. Um afterwards, we went to Westlake and bought some foooood. Ran into Vivs friend :P Um.. then we went to Century to watch Saw 3-D. Omg, i freaking got nauseous. It was so gruesome LOL Anywhos, it was an okay movie. Dropped off Lance & Erica, went home, slept at 2, no school the next day, WHOHOO!
Thursday, November 11, 2010-
Woke up at 12 & put on light makeup. Went to my ortho appointment :( Turns out i can't get invisilignnnnnn. WAAAAH. SO, i need braces for about 2 years. I can either pull out 2 teeth from the bottom or have the entire row of teeth shift out a bit. I think i'm gonna let it shift out cause that's what viv did & my mom doesn't want us to pull out any teeth O.O Since i'm missing 2 teeth from the top, i don't needa shift that out. Umm, they're gonna file my vampire teeth so it looks like the 2 teeth i'm missing ): LOL Wahh, that sounds so sad. They suggested getting clear brackets on the top & normal ones on the bottom. I kinda want clear brackets for both cause when i talk, my bottom teeth shows ): We'll see! I already have the mind set of getting real braces now. Sigh.. oh & it'll most definitely be there through my senior year. But eh, i think from afar, you won't really be able to notice them. + Maybe i'll start smiling w/ out teeth. LOL Oh well, i don't interact w/ much people at my school anyways, so senior activites don't mean much to me. Kinda sad though since I'm only going to have prom once but eh, not too big of a deal. Started homework, watched some criminal minds, etc etc etc. Babe just went to teaway :D He's getting me lobster balls! Yay! Kk, good bye :)
Quick run through cause i really gotta do my homework. Umm.. afterschool, babe & i stopped by KFC cause Frank had an interview. LOL He ended up doing really well & they loved his personality/ attitude. The lady said she'll call back if they have enough room, i sure hope he gets the job :/ Um.. afterwards, i fixed up at home & went to stones. I ate at the food court w/ babe until Erica & Lance arrived. We went around getting job applications & stuff, it was pretty fun. Saw waaaaaay too many school people. I don't really like running into people from school when we're outside of school. LOL Idk why, i just don't. Anywhosssssss, we ended up going to Macys & getting free samples of Lancome foundation. I think i'm going to return my Mac one :/ It breaks me out & is WAY too thick. The lady was like " Yeahh, that foundation clogs pores. " Waaaaaah ): Anywhos, hopefully i find a new foundation soon. Um afterwards, we went to Westlake and bought some foooood. Ran into Vivs friend :P Um.. then we went to Century to watch Saw 3-D. Omg, i freaking got nauseous. It was so gruesome LOL Anywhos, it was an okay movie. Dropped off Lance & Erica, went home, slept at 2, no school the next day, WHOHOO!
Thursday, November 11, 2010-
Woke up at 12 & put on light makeup. Went to my ortho appointment :( Turns out i can't get invisilignnnnnn. WAAAAH. SO, i need braces for about 2 years. I can either pull out 2 teeth from the bottom or have the entire row of teeth shift out a bit. I think i'm gonna let it shift out cause that's what viv did & my mom doesn't want us to pull out any teeth O.O Since i'm missing 2 teeth from the top, i don't needa shift that out. Umm, they're gonna file my vampire teeth so it looks like the 2 teeth i'm missing ): LOL Wahh, that sounds so sad. They suggested getting clear brackets on the top & normal ones on the bottom. I kinda want clear brackets for both cause when i talk, my bottom teeth shows ): We'll see! I already have the mind set of getting real braces now. Sigh.. oh & it'll most definitely be there through my senior year. But eh, i think from afar, you won't really be able to notice them. + Maybe i'll start smiling w/ out teeth. LOL Oh well, i don't interact w/ much people at my school anyways, so senior activites don't mean much to me. Kinda sad though since I'm only going to have prom once but eh, not too big of a deal. Started homework, watched some criminal minds, etc etc etc. Babe just went to teaway :D He's getting me lobster balls! Yay! Kk, good bye :)
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