Basics: Stephanie Zhu. February 13, 1994; 18 yrs old. Studies biochemisty/molecular biology at UC Davis. San Francisco, California. Taken by Steven Huang since January 27, 2008. Happy-go-lucky kind of girl. Positive, confident, and unbelievably happy. Blessed with life. Love for all things beauty. I hope to inspire you in one way or another. Get to know me, I'm friendly! Xoxo

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010-
I'm cleaning my room & i want a break so i'll post about my day yesterday! Umm, we were supposed to hang out at my house but everyone ended up doing their own thing. Me & babe went out to Outback Steak House at like.. 7PM? Just us two ^^ I ordered a 12 ounce steak w/ garlic mash potatoes & a caesar salad. My goddddd, the steak was PERFECT, the mash was delicious, & the salad was better than any salad i've ever had! It was AMAZING ^^ Umm, babe got this creamy chicken thing that was SO good, a stack of ribs ( i hate that stuffff ), & fries. Hella yummy too ^^ LOL Then we got a coke + the free honey wheat bread. Dinner was .. amazing. Spent $45 & babe treated :) Heheh, i loves him! Oh god, so babe was trying to be hella perfect since we haven't had a dinner date for a while. He kept knocking the menus over & i said " Are you nervous?!?!?! " LOOL And hes like " Uh.. no.. i'm just trying to make this perfect :/ " LOOL I couldn't help but crack up. Heheh, but i have to admit, dinner was perfect. ^^ Thank you so much hun! Then we finished at like 8:30 ish & stopped by ross. There was nothing :/ Then we went to Target & shoppppeddddddd. I bought concealer, an eyeshadow, band aids, donuts, notebooks, & all this other junks. Hm.. then we stopped by Safeway. I saw this canned chicken noodle soup and i was CRAAAAVINNNNG!!! So instead, we bought some veges, a chicken, & egg noodles to cook up ourselves :) We rented a Armored for a buck. Um.. then we went home, cooked, ate, watched the movie ( It was pretty good & intense ), then babe knocked out. LOL I slept at 4AM :/... Mkay, end of day. Back to cleaning!

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