Yooou so pretty im jealous! I cut my hair jst like yoours & im beginning to dress like yoou too D:
LOL ! Thats so cutee :D Trust me though, i'm NOT pretty. LOL Thanks anyways :)
Can you do a whats in my purse? (=
LOL That's hard w/ pictures ! O.O I'm not sure how i'm gonna do it :/ Any ideas ? LOL
First of all, Happy new year! Secondly, was there ever a point in your relationship where you and your boyfriend almost broke up?
Happy New Year's to you too :) LOL & yup, we had PLENTY of almost breaking up moments but we've never actually broken up or had a ' break '.
OMG! I read the post when you said about how Frank took out his cartilage riiiight after he got it pierced & it hella bled!!! That sounds scary! :X Buhht I was wondering if like since you gotta clean it a few times a day when you git it pierced, does it bleed when you use the Q-tip / cotton ball to clean it? Since it like rubs on the piercing does it irritate it & make it bleed? Or is it just cuz he took it out right away? That's scary! Thanks for answering!! =]
LOLL I know right, he's crazy -.- Hmm if its infected it bleeds ? Only one outta my 8 piercings bleed. Idk why but that ONE is badly pierced & it hurts a LOTTTTT. LOL Even though he took it out right away, it healed fine ! But i still wouldn't do that -.- LOL No problemo :)
Hi :) ur nails reminds me of hello kitty and Barbie dolls :) very pretty. It takes slot of patience to do that,good job !
LOL ! I don't like hello kitty OR barbie ! :( But thanks :D It took a longggg time >:/
You don't need makeup Stephanie! Your gorgeous!no kidding .
Aww, thank you :)
Im bottled up too. is it possible if you could say the topic of why you are sad? Thanks(:
LOL It's not really a specific topiccccc. + I don't wanna tell anyone. Sorry ):
Can you like take pics of a couple of things at a time for a whats in my purse?
Sureees, i'll add that to my things to do list. LOL
did you do your homework yet? LO
Nope ! :) LOLLL I'm screweeeeed.
Do you ever run out of things to talk about with your boyfriend since you hang out so much and probably have talked about everything? What do you usually talk to eachother about? (like, what do the subjects tend to be about mostly)
Nope ! Idk, we just have endless conversations. LOL I like asking him about his past shits but he hates answering that. LOLL We talk about the RANDOMEST things that're on our minds. We're REALLY talkable when we're togetherr.
how is your online store going so far?
LOL Good ! But orders are coming in slower. We made about $300 - $400 in like 3 weeks so thats pretty good :D
You say your shy, are you quiet toooo?
LOLL It depends, when i'm with people i don't know, i literally DONT TALK. But when i'm w/ family or friends, i can't shutup.
before reading this blog, i would've thought that you were some typical, shallow, airheaded, pretty little asian girl, but through reading this blog, i have learned that you are not the typical asian girl. and that appearances are not true. thanks for opening my eyes.
LOL Thats what everyone thinks about me. I'm not really like that though ! Ahaha :)
whats the difference between leggings and tights?
LOL Tights are the ones you pull on & leggings end at your ankles, I think !
Hey i got to yoour school & ive always tried talking to yoou. You seeem very shy & intimidating. I've said hi to you a few times, but you never try to talk to me. On your new years blog, you said that theres a reason why yoour distant to other people, why is it? Its okay to say :) Just cause you bottle up your feelings doesnt meean you cant blog about it ;)
:O NAME ?! I'm not intimidating ! I'm just shy ): It takes a lot to get me to open up. I'm distant cause i don't want drama & i have trouble trusting people. LOL Get to know me ! I'm gonna try to open up more this yearrrr :) Talk to me when school starts !
Do people ever talk shit about you, like call you a loner & stuff at school? Cause at my school, i have different friends that i hang with that hang in diff groups, & people still talk shit about me calling me a loner or say that i only have a few friends & shit..
LOL I'm not sure but i don't care if they do. Ignore them ! It's highschool, it'll be FULL of drama. Just don't let it get to you :)
You're really pretty& cute. Everyone envys your style and wishes that they can pull things off that you wear. You're naturally beautiful. No matter how much flaws that you think you have, atleast in ONE person's eye, they wish they were you. happy new year steph(:
O.O THANK YOU ! Haha i'm not even close ): But thanks ♥ Happy new years ! :D
hi! i know u said u always spend time wit ur boyfriend at lunch, but sometimes i c u with sandee. are you guys close?
LOL We're pretty close ! Yeahh, shes the ONE girl @ school that i've open up to. :D
Hi! Where do you find your jeans?
@ Ninas, PacSun, or any other small local store. I don't fit much jeans ):
Does your bf ever doubt you?
LOL He's next to me & he's like " HELL NO ". So i guess that answers it ?
Just wanted to tell you that Claire's studs are dull and not sharp, which thrust their way into your earlobe rather than piercing it. Their piercing guns are made of plastic, which makes it not possible to fully sterilize it! They also practice on teddy bears.. I don't trust Claire's AT ALL. Where did you get all your piercings at?
O.O HOLY CRAP. I knew something was wrong w/ Claries but i never knew they were THAT bad. LOL Two @ Claires. 2 @ Home. 4 @ Piercing Pagoda ! Thanks for telling me this info btw :)
hey! do you think if you can do a video of you dancing to any of the girlicious songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXHoQ13l_x8
LOLLL I've taken one before but NO cause thats HELLA embarrassing ! AHHH i watched that and it brings back memories. I know the entire dance to that song :) Ahaha, she reminds me of myself. -.-
I actually think crying is good for you..
LOL Yeah, it is !
Formspring.Me !
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