Basics: Stephanie Zhu. February 13, 1994; 18 yrs old. Studies biochemisty/molecular biology at UC Davis. San Francisco, California. Taken by Steven Huang since January 27, 2008. Happy-go-lucky kind of girl. Positive, confident, and unbelievably happy. Blessed with life. Love for all things beauty. I hope to inspire you in one way or another. Get to know me, I'm friendly! Xoxo

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rant/ Dedicated.

My Day/ Rant:
I'm just gonna rant a little about my day & etc. Slept forrrrr .. 5-6 hours ? God, i've never felt this tired. I mean, i've gotten only 2 hrs of sleep before but i felt SO tired today. I just couldn't wake myself up. :/ Umm, chemistry test today was surprisingly easy. I think i got a B ? Ahaha. Hmm, rest of the day was boring -.- It's cold but i'm all bundled up so its all good ! LOL It's so stupid when you see girls still wearing off shoulders. Seriously, its WINTER. I rather be warm then look good. Oh yeah, i took pics of my outfit but i'll put it up later since Vivian is using the camera right now. Got home, ate, took more pics for Our Signature Style. Haven't done much yet and its already 6. LOL Hm .. i got more formspring posts on the store. Blah, 30+ formspring posts. LOL keep posting though ! I'll answer ONCE i have time i promise ! Ahaha, i've been putting more personality into my posts. I haven't done much quotes + quotegraphics + fashion life. Lollll, idk what you guys like though ! More of me rambling ? I think its boring :/ Well, i'm gonna do a lil dedication to my boyfriend now. Read on if you want, don't if you don't wanna. :)

Dedicated to Steven Huang:
Damn, it's been forever ! Haha, it's crazy how we've been together for two years already. Yeah, i know we're young but who says you can't fall in love early in life ? Our connection is undeniable & our spark just keeps getting better. Our relationship used to be a roller coaster ride but nowadays, its completely different. We haven't seriously fought for about 5 months now. But most importantly, i'm able to completely be myself around you. I swear, in this entire world, your the only one who i talk to without holding back a single bit. Normally, your boyfriend is the one who you'd hide your flaws from but he've seen every little flaw in me & yet, he loves me exactly the same. He's knows me just as much as i know myself. Mannn, this is crazzzzy. We've been through so damn much. People throw around the word ' love ' like its nothing but i freaking mean it. I don't just love you, i'm IN love with you & i always will be. No one can compare to what we've got. So unless you know every little detail about us, don't open your mouth. If you wanna talk, we'd prove you wrong. I'm in love with you, babesterrr ! :)
Since January 27, 2008 @ 1:34 PM.
Me & You.
SF :)
Wifey & Hubby
Chubby Bunny & Teddy Bear
Forever Babe.

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