Basics: Stephanie Zhu. February 13, 1994; 18 yrs old. Studies biochemisty/molecular biology at UC Davis. San Francisco, California. Taken by Steven Huang since January 27, 2008. Happy-go-lucky kind of girl. Positive, confident, and unbelievably happy. Blessed with life. Love for all things beauty. I hope to inspire you in one way or another. Get to know me, I'm friendly! Xoxo

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The longest formspring post everrrrrrr.

Okay. I finally have the time to do this ! I'm gonna try to be " nice " & imma try not to cuss but sorry if i do. :/ Here, i'll break it down into parts & answer it section by section cause its a freaking page long. LOL Skip this post if you like. I suggest you to.

Part 1: I read your blog where you hate school, and I do kind of understand what you mean. But what you should do, is CHANGE IT. Don't blog about it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I think what you really need to do is just meet new people (friend-wise). Talk to more people in your class! If there are already "groups" then talk to those not in a group. ask for help in homework/classwork (even if you don't need it, *to make a convo*) to those that are in your table, have another class with you, or sit around you, or those not in their "group". I'M TRULY REALLY SORRY IF THIS HURTS YOU IN ANYWAY.
Answer: Okay lemme clearify this cause your obviously confused, I don't make friends ON PURPOSE cause i don't appreciate the drama. & I seriously don't mind ! LOL I'm HAPPY i don't have drama & i'm fine without friends. It's called being independent. I got used to being alone in the 6th grade. So it doesn't bother me whatsoever. I'm NOT desperate. Why would i ask people questions just to start a conversation ?! O.O LOLL thats ridiculous ! This was a personal topic for me & i don't understand why you had to do this -.- But since you did, i'll answer every single section. LOLLL Kinda fun anyways. K, next part !

Part 2: One major thing (in my opinion) is to stop hanging out with Frank so much all the time. SORRY. Because, I mean the more you ahng out with him, the more isolated you'll become. your world will revolve only around him. I mean like, sure, ahng out with him 2-3 times a week during lunch, sometimes afterschool, and SOME weekends/holidays, and have the other time for others.
Answer: LOL He's my boyfriend. -.- I know, some people call it being clingy but we both don't mind so its NOT a problem. He goes to my school ! Am i supposed to avoid him on purpose ? LOL We're in a relationship & we're in love. We wanna be together so who are you to tell me whats right & whats wrong ?! Mkay, next part !

Part 3: Once you talk to people in your classes, I'm sure you'll "click" because you have a wonderful personality, and a lot of people read your blogs! Then you should spend time with them too. Seriously, a simple hi in the hallways when you see them can start a HUGE friendship. The more you say hi to them (at first might be awkward) the more they'll get used to it and say hi to you(: . Talk to them about irrelevent stuff and make a whole new convo with that.
Answer: LOL I'm not about to walk around saying hi to random people just to make friends. Thats NOT my personality. I barely ever say hi to anyone. Idk why, its just me. LOL & thanks for the compliments in this part. Again, i'm not depserate for friends. I won't talk about " irrelevant stuff " to start a conversation. If one doesn't spark then that's that. I don't care -.- LOL I don't think people in my school read my blogs. & even if they do, i don't think that'll change anything.

Part 4:
REALLY I'M NOT TRYING TO JUDGE YOU, but I think you've been holding on to your old friends for too long. Erica, Marlene, Jeanie: love them but they go to DIFFERENT schools! [i'm totally skipping around, just saying. ] when you're doing group projects, invite them to your house, make plans with them, don't let one person do most of everything. talk to them about the project, which can lead to a different convo. hang out with diff. people during lunch. you really don't need "besties". join a club/sport! you'll def. make new friends by that. (preferably a sport). doesnt matter if you're bad at it, ask others for help. be friends with your friends' friends.
Answer: LOL Whats wrong about going to different schools ?! O.O It's a good thing. We have a friendship strong enough to last without being in the same school & thats rare to find. Don't tell me i'm holding on to them for too long. This part pissed me off -.- I've been friends with Erica since 6th grade. I've known her for five years now. I'm sorry you can't find someone with a friendship like ours. LOL But don't come talking about mine. Why would i want randomass people in my hosue !?!? LOOOL ! I prefer 3 bestfriends over a bajillion average friends that'll probably fck you over in the future. I don't like any sports/ clubs & i don't think i ever will. and AGAIN, i'm not desperate. -.-

Part 5: also, SORRY but i think you're dressing waaay too pretty for high school. like seriously, when you say in your blogs, "i'm a mess"/"dressing like a bum" and stuff like that, i think you look above average pretty. NO OFFENSE. maybe you should just tone it down a bit. sometimes, people find others intimidating when they look too dressy/mature. teens are usually like "wtf, why are you wearing that". spend some time with new friends, and don't hold on to just your bf (NO OFFENSE) and old friends (NO OFFENSE). i understand education is really important to you, but hey, let's be honest here. you've been hanging with frank a weeeeeeee bit too much. (HONESTLY, i'm sooooo sorry, but i'm telling you my opinion). he might need some guy time too, and he might wanna hang out with other girls too (YOU'RE AWESOME). you should get soem girlfriends, and guy friends. talk to those that blog to you!
Answer: LOL Thanks for the compliment ? If i'm dressing too pretty for high school then put me in college ? -.- My style is what i like & i'm not toning it down for nobody. When i say " i'm a mess ", in my eyes, i am ! I'm not saying it so other people will say " NO, YOUR PRETTY ! " I say it cause i MEAN it. LOL If people think its intimidating, then they won't approach me. I don't care ! Omg. LOL i love my old friends & my boyfriend so i'll spend all the time i want with them, thank you very much. I love hanging with frank " a weee bit too much ". You obviously don't know anything about me. Come to me AFTER you experience a serious relationship, & THEN MAYBE you'd understand. I asked him a MILLION times & he doesn't mind AT ALL. If he did, i would give him some guy time but he doesn't want it -.- Honestly, I don't know who blogs to me & who doesn't cause most people don't leave names.

Part 6: Yeaaah. I'M REALLY REALLY SOOOOOOOOOOOO DEEPLY SORRY IF THIS HAS OFFENDED YOU IN ANYWAY. I REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU STEPHANIE. IF I WENT TO WASH., THE FIRST THING I'D WANNA DO ON MONDAY IS GIVE YOU A HUG(: AND THEN HANG OUT WITH YOU ALL DAY. I'M REALLY SORRY AND NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE! Stephh, get a new shopping buddy(: <-main goal, how about that? (once again, sorry sorry sorrrrrrry if this offends you or anyone else in anyway. please don't hate me for this D:)
Answer: LOLL Thanks ? Thats kinda creepy. Um, it's okay ? It didn't offend me. It was just the WRONG SUBJECT to discuss. Lemme just tell you guys: Don't you dare come at me, telling me whats right & whats wrong. Unless you've walked 1,000 miles in my shoes, don't assume you know me. You don't understand ANYTHING & you don't know shit about me. Leave me & my personal issues alone. Cause seriously, it's pretty damn obvious you don't know shit. You need some more experience in life. Wait about ... five years, grow up a bit, & then come to me w/ your opinions. AHAHA, whoops. I'm starting to sound mean. Well, i'm not usually like this. I love my own shopping buddies, & i'll stick with them. But thanks for your opinion. No, i don't hate you. I'll delete this formspring post so i won't even know who the hell you are. Lucky you :) Mkay, i'm out. BYE !

AHAHAH ! I'm not about to reread anything to check my spelling & grammar. I could've been SO FUCKING MEAN but i managed to reply with no cuss words. Kinda. LOLLLLL You don't even know how bitchy i can get. Well, try me if ya wannna waste your time :)

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