Basics: Stephanie Zhu. February 13, 1994; 18 yrs old. Studies biochemisty/molecular biology at UC Davis. San Francisco, California. Taken by Steven Huang since January 27, 2008. Happy-go-lucky kind of girl. Positive, confident, and unbelievably happy. Blessed with life. Love for all things beauty. I hope to inspire you in one way or another. Get to know me, I'm friendly! Xoxo

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random ...

I have a confession ...
I have a TON of homework but i wanna post one real quick. So, 1,000 views ! (: Yayayayayay. LOL It's pretty amazing since i don't really have much friends ? But yeah, i can't believe people actually wanna read bout my damn life. LOL Mkay, anyways thanks to everyone who reads this shit ! So i'm gonna just note on shit that have happened.
  • Mom & dad came back today, brought me hella shit (:
  • 3 new purses; 2 ed hardy !!! :DDD
  • 20+ neckalces
  • 3 pairs of earrings
  • 2 more ed hardy swimsuits
  • a watch
  • 5 belts
  • more nail art shit
  • 2 bracelets
  • Um, i think thats it ? .. i dont remember but yeah, makes me happy :)
  • Week has been going by hella fucking slow -.- sucks shit. But its finally friday so yay !
  • Stressssssfull weeeek !
  • Did HORRIBLE on my chem presentation. I swear to god i memorized everything but i was all shaken up & forgot everything. FML !
  • I feel more confident these days. :) Not gonna say why
  • Still some bullshit going on w/ certain people. Gah, i'm so fcucking irritated. Your nothin but a bunch lies & bullshit. I swear to god, stop with your fucking act.
  • 2 tests 2m ! GAAAAAAAH !! Gotta studystudystudy
  • Went to serra today, got anotherrrr leather jacket. Still haven't worn my other one to school yet but everyone has it now -.- fuckkkkk.
  • Gottt a tank ! Ahaha
  • Can't wait to get my halloween costume !
Okay, this blog was fucking RANDOM and boring. W/e gotta go study !!


  1. Hey, this is Megan & yeah...I read your blogs. &I go through all of the stuff you've been through&I know you probably don't believe me, buht yeah..I do. Almost all of what you've said about your life is true about mines&until I read your blogs, I thought I was the only one going through this shit. You probably thingk I'm weird or something for reading your blogs, buht yeah, I do read them...&they make me feel like I can finally relate to someone. (Please don't thingk I'm weird! Lol.)

  2. P.S. Don't thingk I'm like some stalker since we barely even talked or anything. I just feel like when I read them I can really relate.

  3. I'm sorry. Yeah, by now you thingk I'm totally weird, buht I go on AIM so rarely, that I forgot that I had a new SN. It's x OH Hawtt old one was the rawr mayn one up there.
